
A degree may open the door to a variety of opportunities and diverse career paths. The degree programs offered at CTU will not necessarily lead to the featured careers. This collection of articles is intended to help inform and guide you through the process of determining which level of degree and types of certifications align with your desired career path.

什么是资讯科技保安? What is cybersecurity? Are these separate fields?

不完全是——它们在某些方面是相关的. Information technology security is focused on protecting an organization’s electronic data from unauthorized access—whether from cyberattacks or something else. 网络安全特别关注基于互联网的攻击和威胁.

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Deciding which cybersecurity or IT security career path or degree program is the right fit for you can be a tough decision to make. It is one that will ultimately depend on your personal interests and academic goals.


Cybersecurity and IT security career paths are both concerned with protecting electronic data and information from threats. 网络安全的重点是确保计算机系统, communication networks, 而且程序不会受到数字攻击.1 IT security, meanwhile, is the collection of security strategies that prevents unauthorized access to an organization’s computers, computer networks, and electronic data.2

IT and Cybersecurity Duties

信息安全分析师是做什么的? Information security analysts (or security analysts) plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems.3

尽管信息安全分析师的职责可能会不断变化, 他们通常做以下事情:3

  • 监控、调查和记录安全漏洞
  • 安装和使用软件以保护敏感信息
  • 检查计算机和网络系统中的漏洞
  • 跟上最新的信息技术(IT)安全趋势
  • 向管理层推荐安全性增强
  • 制定安全标准和最佳实践

IT安全分析师参与制定灾难恢复计划. IT professionals use disaster recovery plans to ensure that the IT department continues to function following an emergency event. 这些计划通常包括:3

  • 定期复制和传输数据到异地
  • 灾后恢复正常IT功能的计划
  • 不断测试以确保其有效的一系列步骤


Studying for a degree in computer science or information technology can help you work to develop skills needed to pursue a potential career path in the cybersecurity field. The following are a selection of potential cyber- and information security-related career paths.*

Information Security Analyst

Typical job duties: See above.

Education requirements: Information Security Analysts typically have a bachelor’s degree in a computer science field. 一些雇主可能更喜欢拥有Security+等证书的人.3

Work experience: Information security analysts may need to have previous experience in a related occupation, such as in an IT department. Some employers may prefer candidates with experience in a specific field—for example, 数据库管理员经验.3

Projected job growth: Employment of Information security analysts is projected to grow 35% from 2021 to 2031.3


Typical Job Duties:4

  • 确保组织的网络和电子信息是安全的.
  • 分析计算机需求并推荐潜在的升级.
  • Keep up with new technology and look for ways to upgrade their computer systems.
  • 计划和指导计算机系统分析员的工作, software developers, 信息安全分析师, 计算机支持专家.

Education requirements: Computer and information systems managers typically have a bachelor’s degree in computer and information technology, engineering technologies, or related field. A graduate degree, such as an MBA in information systems, is sometimes required.4

Work experience: Several years of experience in a related information technology (IT) job is often required, although requirements can vary depending on the organization and for lower-level management positions.4

Projected job growth: Employment of computer and information systems managers is projected to grow 16% from 2021 to 2031.4


Typical job duties:5

  • 发展理论和模型来解决计算中的问题.
  • 确定组织的计算需求和系统需求.
  • Develop new computing languages, software systems, and other tools to improve user experience.
  • 设计并进行测试软件系统运行的实验, often using data science and machine-learning techniques; analyze the results of these experiments.
  • 撰写论文发表,并在会议上展示研究成果.

Education requirements: Computer and information scientists typically require a master’s degree or higher in computer science or related field, 比如计算机工程. Computer and information research scientists who work in a specialized field may need to have an academic background in that field.5

Work experience: None specified.

Projected Job Growth: Employment of computer and information research scientists is projected to grow 21% from 2021 to 2031.5

CTU不能保证就业、工资或职业发展. The list of career paths related to these programs is based on a subset from the Bureau of Labor Statistics CIP to SOC Crosswalk. 上面列出的一些职业道路可能需要进一步的教育或工作经验.


科罗拉多技术大学计算机科学学院, Engineering and Technology offers online cybersecurity degree concentrations at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Choosing a cybersecurity or IT security degree concentration could help provide exposure to important topics in this ever-evolving field.

但是你怎么知道哪个学位项目最适合你呢? 你可以从考虑计算机科学和计算机科学的重点开始. 信息技术立博体育. Computer science programs may focus on how computer software operates and on computer software development and design. Information technology programs may focus on applying computer hardware and software to the design, 高级终端用户系统的开发和支持, services and applications. CTU offers several computer science and IT degree programs, including the following (apply online):

对计算机和信息安全感兴趣? CTU提供了一些灵活的方法 online degree programs. Check out our computer science degree and 信息技术学位 programs.

1 思科,“什么是网络安全??,” http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/security/what-is-cybersecurity.html (visited 3/22/2023).
2 CISCO, “What Is IT Security?,” http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/security/what-is-it-security.html (visited 3/23/2023).
3 美国劳工统计局.S. Department of Labor, 职业展望手册, “Information Security Analysts,” http://www.bls.gov /哦/ computer-and-information-technology / information-security-analysts.htm (visited 3/22/23). This data represents national figures and is not based on school-specific information. 你所在地区的情况可能会有所不同.
4 美国劳工统计局.S. Department of Labor, 职业展望手册, “计算机和信息系统经理,” http://www.bls.gov /哦/管理/ computer-and-information-systems-managers.htm (visited 3/22/23). This data represents national figures and is not based on school-specific information. 你所在地区的情况可能会有所不同.
5 美国劳工统计局.S. Department of Labor, 职业展望手册, 计算机和信息研究科学家,” http://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/computer-and-information-research-scientists.htm (visited 3/23/2023). This data represents national figures and is not based on school-specific information. 你所在地区的情况可能会有所不同.

科罗拉多理工大学 cannot guarantee employment, salary, or career advancement. 并不是所有的项目都适用于所有州的居民. REQ1901714 3/2023

Jun 11